Thank you for supporting our rescue!
Feral Friends of Millsboro is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization (EIN:87-0780011)
We do not receive government funding and rely solely on private donations.
Listed below you will find a variety of ways to donate monetarily, as well as our wish lists for supplies. Information for in-person donation drop offs can be found at the bottom of the page.
To donate directly to our PayPal, Venmo, Amazon list, or Chewy list - click on the buttons below:
To donate towards vet care for our cats:
Four Paws Animal Hospital:
(302) 629-7297
Please ask to donate to Feral Friends of Millsboro
To donate by check, please mail to:
Feral Friends of Millsboro, INC.
24 E Greenwing Dr
Milton, DE 19968

Donate in Memory of your beloved kitty
Losing a pet is never easy. They are such special parts of our lives, and truly a part of our families.
Donating in their memory is a special way to honor your pet, while contributing to another cat in need.
If you would like to honor your kitty on our virtual Memorial Wall, please read below:
Choose your selected donation method from the above list and write "In memory of" to the note/memo section
Please email us a photo/name of your precious kitty to:
You may also add a short note, or your favorite memory for us to include on our memorial wall​

Donations can also be dropped off to the address below. All items can be placed in the trunk of the Equinox SUV.
24 E Greenwing Dr Milton, DE 19968
We appreciate the following items:
Scoopable cat litter
Canned cat food
Fancy feast canned kitten food
Purina kitten chow
Dry cat food
Food/water dishes
Clay cat litter
​​Cat bedding
Plastic cat carriers
Blankets, towels, sheets
Cat toys
Paper towels