In loving memory
Honoring the kitties who are no longer with us, but forever in our hearts
If you would like to contribute to our memorial wall, please click here

Willie was the first cat that we ever rescued.He is the reason why the rescue originally started. We are dedicating this to Willie and all the cats after him that we’ve helped.
- Bonnie & Bryan

Tiger was an indoor/outdoor kitty as he came to us from our barn, the minute he showed up he stole our hearts. We called him our puppy cat. He liked to hang out with my husband and I when we were working in the yard, he would lay quietly watching until we took a break at which point he came running for some petting. He was an all around awesome cat. When he was inside he was truly a lap cat we miss him so much.
-Nancy B.

Fifi was my very first kitty. I had her from Kindergarten, all the way to my early adult years. She was a very special girl who I will remember forever.
- Kelly